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Google Trends is a powerful tool for improving your site's SEO Brisbane ranking and developing robust and dependable content strategies for your business. That is what makes it a powerful tool that can help you find out what people are talking about, but it can also help you figure out how to improve your content marketing strategy. Here are some ways to use Google Trends to get the most out of your SEO and content marketing efforts:

  1. Find out what people are searching for in your niche

Google Trends is a free tool that will help you find out what people are searching for in your niche. This knowledge is essential for optimising your SEO in Brisbane. Let's say you own a local coffee shop and want to find out what people in your area are searching for. 

First, search your keyword to see if it has been searched over time. Then, click on "Explore Topics" and see what terms are popular right now and related terms that people have been searching for recently. You can also look at other topics related to yours by clicking on the "Related Topics" tab at the top of the page.

By analyzing Google Trends data on keywords related to your business or content topic, you can uncover topics relevant to your audience that may be overlooked otherwise — whether they're trending topics (e.g., "how-to") or specific phrases ("how do I").

  1. Learn what people are talking about around specific times of the year

Google Trends is also a great way to learn what people are searching for during specific times of the year. This can be especially useful if you're planning a holiday-related content marketing campaign. You can find out what people want to know about at different times of the year.

  1. Find out which keywords are dropping in search volume

Third, you can use Google Trends to find out which keywords are dropping in search volume. This is a great way to determine what words people aren't using as much anymore and possibly stop using them. 

For example, if you notice that the keyword "content marketing" has dropped in searches over the past year, this might mean that it's time for you to focus on other terms related to content marketing—like "blogging" or "social media strategy."

It's also useful when determining what terms will be more relevant or popular moving forward. 

For example, if you see that searches for "content strategy" have risen while searches for "social media strategy" have fallen over the past year, then maybe it's time for your team members who handle social media accounts at work to start incorporating more content-based strategies into their daily workflow!

  1. Find content ideas and see how popular they are

Once you find a keyword or topic that looks promising, take a look at the results in Google Trends to see how popular it is.

You can see which terms are more popular among searchers (and therefore more likely to be searched for) by comparing the graph lines on the left-hand side of the page. The line with the steepest incline indicates interest from users and is most relevant for your purposes.

In addition to popularity, Google Trends also shows you information about ranking difficulty by category. Each item in their search results includes an "Ranking Difficulty" score next to it that lets you know just how difficult it will be for content marketers like yourself to rank highly against others who are also attempting this same keyword or topic.

  1. Compare keywords and topics for ranking difficulty

The Google Trends graph shows you the relative difficulty of ranking for each keyword.

A neat trick is to use Google Trends to determine which keywords and topics are most difficult (and easiest) to rank for, so you can focus your content marketing efforts on what has the highest potential payoff.

You can access trending searches from the last 24 hours here, but keep in mind that many of these are too short-term to be useful. Fortunately, the categories option lets you cut through the noise and find more long-term SEO Brisbane keywords for your brand.


If you're looking to get ahead in the content marketing game, Google Trends can be a great tool. You can find out what people are searching for and learn about their interests—and this information can help you create more effective content. If you're thinking of starting a blog or creating new content, then using Google Trends should be one of your first steps.