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As per SEO Brisbane Company, keywords are one of the most important things to consider when writing blog posts. They're what people use to search for your content and determine which articles to read. You should use keywords in every single blog post or at least every post on your blog unless you want Google to rank you lower than other sites that don't! There are two things that determine how well a search engine will rank you:

Meta tag

The meta tag is the first thing that a search engine sees, according to Expert SEO Brisbane Company, when it crawls your website. This means that if you put keywords in your meta tags, they will be displayed to users as well.

Meta tags are not visible to users, so don't use them just because they are visible on Googlebot or another search engine bot. Instead, use them to optimize your blog posts and pages by including relevant keywords in these sections of your page:

Page title

The page title is the first thing a user sees when they click on a link. It's also what Google sees, and therefore it's important to use keywords in your page titles.

However, don't put too many keywords in your page titles—you'll get weighed down by keyword stuffing and lose out on some of the benefits of using keywords (e.g., having more content that fits into search engines).

Content title

The content title is the title of your blog post. It's an important SEO element because it acts as a button for search engines to click on and display in their results.

It should be short, descriptive, and relevant to what you're writing about.

Internal Page Linking

Internal linking is a strategy that helps search engines find your content. It's also one of the most important aspects of SEO and should be used in every blog post you publish.

You link only to pages that are relevant to the topic at hand. If you want to share an article about how to make brownies, don't link back to your home page, where all posts are listed alphabetically or by date (unless it's something like "Top 10 Food Blogs"). 

Instead, use a keyword-rich title or description as an anchor text for your internal links, so they appear higher up in search results when people search for things related directly back towards their website from where they clicked on yours!

Image alt text

Alt text is for images. As per Expert SEO Brisbane Company, it's what appears when you hover over an image in a browser, and it describes what you're looking at. Alt text should be descriptive and short—and it's important to use the same basic structure as any other piece of content on your site: a headline that gives some context, followed by bullet points that describe each point visually (or as briefly as possible).

For example, if I were writing about how to cook homemade macaroni and cheese from scratch using only five ingredients from your pantry or fridge, I might start with: "You'll need...," followed by two lines listing all five ingredients needed for this recipe. Then comes my paragraph explaining why these ingredients are necessary in order to make delicious homemade macaroni & cheese!


The above are the most basic and fundamental elements of SEO that you need to know in order to get your blog post ranking higher on Google. In case you need any help with SEO, we're always available for you 24/7.