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The fifth month or you can say almost half of the year 2020 is about to end and many of us can see the previous SEO strategies changing, already.

Over 3,200 algorithm updates are made by Google per year.

So, it’s clear to see that a lot is going to change by the end, or mid, or maybe the coming month of this year.

Major Changes for the rest of 2020 that best SEO company should look

First Change:

As per the sources, almost 49% of all the Google searches result in a no-click. This implies that about half of the searches don’t send any traffic to the websites. As a result, even the best SEO company in Canada and all around the world are either getting disappointed with their searches or getting their instant answers from Google. Well, this year, we can expect that to increase even more.

Second Change:

Your organic number of visitors or views keep on going to get declined. Undoubtedly, it has been made up at the same time by more users visiting online and using Google. But, as per Merkle, the total visits that the organic search produces have fallen 6% a year in Q2 of 2019. Also, the mobile got the hardest hit of that. However, the visit growth dropped from 13% in Q1 to 5% in Q2 of 2019.

Third & the Biggest Change:

Google and Amazon are going to be head to head competitive.

You might have noticed that Shopify has been on a tear last year. According to Wall Street, Shopify is the perfect alternative to Amazon for some people. Why not? It’s the best way to create a personal e-commerce store in a few minutes.

This year or at the end of 2019, Google has released a new feature ‘Buy on Google’ that allows us to purchase a particular e-commerce product on Google, directly.

Fourth Change:

People will get their desired information through rich snippets. Path Interactive studied on people aged below 18 and came to know that 40% of them got the required information via a snippet without clicking or going through result links.

Think of it this way, they got what they were looking for. Google is trying to provide a better experience to its users and more people are going to use it, which ultimately should help you get the amount of traffic you want on your website. Also, a lot of these people are that Google a specific e-commerce product is going to visit your website where they may or may not buy your product.

But this doesn’t make Google the bad guy! You can still get more traffic by using the below tips:

Use these tips and try to do something beyond SEO.


Google changes its search algorithms almost every day and so do its trends. If you want to connect to and leverage the right audience to your website, or just want to become a Best SEO company in Canada (or anywhere), look at everything (content media, social marketing, e-mail marketing, etc.). Combine everything and use it together and witness your CPAs going down.  

Source: SEO is changing in 2020 – Even the Best SEO Company can’t Resist this