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Gymnastics is an exciting sport to introduce in sport education.  As students learn skills from jumping to falling, it is important to keep them safe and the best option is Crash Mat. Staying safe while practising gymnastics is the key to success. In this lesson, I will talk about personal safety equipment, training tips and general gym safety. When you practice with caution, gymnastics is safe and fun.

The requirement of safety in Gymnastics

Gymnastics is a fun sport, both to do and to watch, but there are many risks involved. In fact, statistically speaking, injury rates in gymnastics are similar to those of football. This should not be surprising because gymnastics is physically demanding and requires the frequent use of heavy equipment.

Ankle sprains, wrist sprains and foot injuries are the most common types of injuries that people must deal with. However, they are also at risk of fractures, torn ligaments and injuries resulting from overuse. In this article, we will talk about the personal safety equipment such as a crash mat, that is used to keep gymnasts safe, as well as some general safety tips.

Safety tips for the gymnastic activities

Here is the list, that I made by collecting points from different resources. You may find help from this. 

#Tip 1: Place crashmats on purpose around your gym

With a dusty floor in the gym, the mats can slide, which can be detrimental to their students. Place them against the wall for more static movements, or use the Velcro to attach multiple mats. Another option is to buy anti-slip liners to place under the mats.

#Tip 2: Keep rugs always dry and clean

When carpets are exposed to liquids, they become a slip hazard for students. When it is time to clean the carpets, use a non-bleach disinfectant.

#Tip 3: Keep the activity areas safe with rugs

When using mats for panels, cover the entire area in which students are active. If you do not have enough mats to cover all of your gym space, make sure that the areas in which students practice car or hand wheels are protected with mats.

#Tip 4: thickness, size and length are important to choose the best mat

When planning the lesson, be sure you have the right mat for each activity! For head skills, use a thick mat to protect the heads of your students. Smaller mats can be used for basic jumps. Look at these mats, all backed by a 100% Unconditional Satisfaction Guarantee!

#Tip 5: Tumbling activities require mats and your attention

Do not include turning activities in your lesson without the appropriate mats. It is important, especially during turning activities, to take care of your student.

#Tip 6: Only handle skills that you feel comfortable

In order to keep students safe, just do the exercises that you feel comfortable with. If you do not feel comfortable with a skill, contact your local gym club to learn the proper localization technique.


Precaution is better than cure, and it’s true if you are considering the gymnastic or other activity related to sports. Taking care of some little thing such as installing a crash mat may secure you while doing physical activity.