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Many business owners don’t know which SEO risks they should avoid and which should they try. This leads to unsatisfied results from SEO services. Even if you have hired the best SEO company in India, they must know all the useful and hazardous SEO risks.

Follow ahead to know the risks to avoid and take for yourself!    

Risks you should Try

Whether it’s a small or large change, make and test everything

The major goal of SEO is to leverage as much traffic as possible and increase Google ranking. But none of these is going to happen if nobody will click on your website in the first place. In such a case, perform an A/B testing. Whether it’s the title, Meta description, or the entire content, test them by considering the latest variations in mind.

But everybody does that, so, what makes it a risk?

When you are working with a specific layout and combination, you might come across a combination that will not work at all and you might lose the traffic you have so far.

Quite a risk isn’t it?

But the risk is useful when you find the perfect layout and combination as it can double the traffic in hours or minutes.       

Enhance the URL Structure of your Site

As we all know, the URL must be short with the company name. If your URL is long, Google will not display it completely or display it as […] after a point. Therefore, it’s the right time to alter your URL and make it as short as you can so that Google can access it easily and rank it in its top list.  

Shop for Available or Expired Domains

Some website owners don’t renew their domain for a specific reason. You can buy such domains that are already established and redirect to your website for quick & effortless way to increase valuable backlinks.     

Risks you should Avoid

Poor Doorway or any Doorway at all 

Creating Doorway pages in batches to target a specific audience & group of keywords is easy. But Google doesn’t like them and even penalize those who use them.

Well, this must be enough for you to avoid using doorways.

But if you want to use it anyway, ensure that it contains clear, unique, and valuable content and information.  

Prohibit Neutral Backlinks 

Some people consider it as a no big deal but prohibiting neutral backlinking is a mistake. These backlinks may not boost your website ranking as high as you want, but they wouldn’t focus your website for Google’s harsh penalties. The latest Google Penguin update put a few penalties for backlinks as some websites don’t have control over each website linked to theirs. This makes it difficult for Google to punish malicious websites.

You can find out whether there are any spammy links at your website or not is by checking Google actions. If there are no Google actions, your website is safe.

Moreover, if you are blocking neutral links of your website, you are blocking sites which can improve your ranking as well.          

Various Small SEO changes to Site

It’s good to update your website occasionally, but doing it constantly such as changing the look, feel, an order of menu bar, etc. will be noticeable by both visitors and Google. If you continue to do such tiny changes, Google might red flag your website, which is no less than a nightmare for any business owner.   

So ask a renowned Best SEO Company in India for these risks.

Source: Best SEO Company In India – What Are The Risks To Take & Avoid?